guide to monachopsis.

(carrd is still a wip.)

a slice of life starring the characters Zane & Esra, as they try to make new connections after moving schools.

the main story will cover topics such as self-harm, suicide, and eating disorders.

better not let all of them be together at the dinner table.

lots of new faces...

who brought the middle schooler here?!?

yar har, fiddle de dee
being a pirate is alright to be
do what you want 'cause a pirate is free
you are a pirate!

people who sold their lives TO this fancy restaurant.

main character.

info:● any pronouns● agender + aroace● 15 ~ 17 y/o● march 28th● dog● 5'7"● very thin

he never seems to be "there", others wonder if he's even conscious at all.

he's not very good at making friends on his own, & he has to rely on esra to speak on his behalf most of the time.

TRIVIA:● he has a strong emotional connection with mystery.● easily startled.● occasionally plays the ukulele & doodles.● Hardly ever takes his scarf off, even indoors. Except in hot weather and... Well, to wash it. Hopefully.● horrible eyesight, he never wears his glasses though.● he's very self-conscious of his chin & would constantly cover it.● probably doesn't really know what half of his friends look like because of how little effort he puts into looking into their faces.

zane valentine.

● significantly thinner & malnourished
● longer hair

info:● any pronouns● genderfluid + aroace● 15 ~ 17 y/o● february 14th● parrot● 5'4"● average/unlean

they're very social & loud, often doesn't realize it when things are getting awkward.

polar opposite of zane, they'll talk your ears off.

TRIVIA:● her & zane share a bedroom, it's only natural for them to be constantly bickering all the time.● horrible singer.● loves mint-flavored things

info:● he/him● bisexual & polyam● mid-late 20s● november 27th● dog● 5'8"● overweightguitarist

caleb's childhood friend & boyfriend, enjoys his job at the restaurant

caring, supportive, goofy, & somewhat unwise.

info:● she/her● unlabeled● early ~ mid 30s● august 2nd● dog● 5'6"● average/lean

thinks very highly of herself & looks down upon gabe, mainly because he isn't living up to her definition of success.

animation can be found here!


gentle & affectionate senior cat, it stayed around zane's house since his childhood until it passed away.


fierce kitten, was nurtured by bexley along with other kittens until it eventually was given to zane, a while after his incident.


zane no longer has anyone he allows himself to rely on, and so he holds onto the thought of his late feline friend watching over him.his sketchbooks are filled with drawings of it in this "form"

info:● he/him● unlabeled● 17 ~ 19 y/o● november 21st● dog● 6'2"● slightly overweight

moved from his old school, mainly in an effort to avoid his old friend group.

he comes off as mysterious & very intimidating, but he's actually quite the goofball.

character belongs to dallasinwonderland.

info:● he/him● gay● 17 ~ 19 y/o● october 3rd● opossum● 5'8"● scrawny

kyson's boyfriend.
energetic, spontaneous, & deeply cares about his friends. feels responsible for everyone's happiness.

trivia:● really into graffiti.
● eldest sibling of 8.

character is in shared custody between dallasinwonderland and i.

info:● she/her● unlabeled● 13 ~ 15 y/o● december 1st● bunny● 4'11"● average/unlean

She will go out her way to annoy the living shit out of you if she has any interest in seeing your reaction. The more extreme the reaction, the better.

trivia:● she never refers to anyone by their name. She always has to make up a stupid nickname for everyone (EX: only calls Zane "Zaniel")● she has an intense fear of death.

info:● he/him● pansexual● 14 ~ 16 y/o● april 24th● ram● 4'8"● overweight

he's friendly & a bit of a pleaser.

finds it difficult to maintain relationships with his friends.

trivia:● can not handle repetitive noises. (ex: ticking clocks)● aspiring poet.

character and art belong to clarincy on AF/TH.

info:● she/her● lesbian● 27 y/o● april 25th● axolotl● 5'0"● thin

nurse at the school! she pretty much has infinite snacks to give to every student who visits her in her office, & she allows them to skip classes whenever (she gets in trouble for it.)


school counselor.

character belongs to vampirebatt on AF/TH.

.."leader" of kyson's old group.
he thinks he's so cool but he's a total coward.

character belongs to liimeon.

mars estrela.

katie's older sibling, he's chill & can easily befriend anyone.

no one knows why he decided to tag along with the mean guys.

mars' younger sister, best friends with sahar.
kind of a pushover, follows sahar around & is often seen causing trouble together.

she doesn't know how to make decisions on her own, she's based her entire personality off of being "sahar's sidekick".

best friends with katie, constantly bosses her around.she's also kyson's ex (but we do not talk about how that even happened. what the fuck)

she always knows how to get her way, she even tries to befriend zane to get him to be on her side against ky.

character doesnt even exist at the moment, i'm still working on developing them & designing them later on.

character is in shared custody between dallasinwonderland and i.

mr. harris

info:● he/him● gay, polyamorous● mid 20s● december 10th● cat● 6'0" (~ 182 cm)● musculardrummer

gabe's childhood friend & current boyfriend.spends most of his time either in his van or in gabe's apartment, sometimes he just hangs around in the restaurant.

TRIVIA:● he's constantly traveling the world with his van (probably illegally, who knows), & no matter where he may be, he'd always be at your location within 5 seconds max.● suspiciously has a lot of money.● started working out as a joke, now it's become his personality.● smells like sweat & tuna, probably even cleans himself like an actual cat.● trilingual (arabic, french & english)

character belongs to dallasinwonderland.

big gentle dog (wip)

character is designed by dallasinwonderland for me as a birthday gift. now i consider her to be somewhat shared custody?? BSJFBJDSGJDSKFHDH?!?!?!?

bambi lee.

she/her ● transfem lesbian ● bassist

acelynn's girlfriend.
level-headed & laid-back, kind of knows what she's doing but also does not.

temporarily working as a florist, discovered the restaurant through kyson when his new job was mentioned to her, and met gabe, caleb and kodiak there.they end up forming a band later on.

TRIVIA:● can ride pretty much anything with wheels but loves skateboards the most.● though she's a little bit airheaded & forgetful, she remains effortlessly cool in every situation.● she has a soft spot for cute things & loves all things girly.


she/her ● transfem lesbian

wip x(